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A post breakfast selfie taken during a luxurious morning at the Hang Ten Chateaux. The bag in the back, a gift from a fan, reveals a more private, suggestive side to the famous feline.

Q: Online conspiracy theorists suspect that someone spray-painted your face. Others say you are photoshopped. Is there any truth to these rumors?  

A: As far as I know, no. I'm 100 % natural. No make up at all. Not even eyeliner. In the salon where I get my pedicures done Photoshop and spray paint aren't even allowed? Also, when do I get my kitty treat?


Q: Is it true that you were one of the orginal Dixie Chicks?

A: I guess I may be a dixie chick of sorts. I'm southern through and through. Born in North Carolina. I'm a small town farm girl with a big city name who now calls Florida home.

Q: When is your birthday?

A: If you're asking because you want to play matchmaker, I'm looking for a creative, well-rounded Pisces tabby. My astrologer says that only a Pisces will understand the depth of my feelings and I sort of have a thing for ginger boys.... with me being half ginger and all. But if you must know, I was born on or about July 9, 2009. A true feline lady never reveals everything. Is it time for kitty treat now?


Q: Is it true you have an online dating profile?

A: Indeed. My handle is Venuskitty09 and I describe myself as a striking-looking cat with two different color eyes and fur that is divided right down the middle between black and ginger.


Q: What did the scientists who conducted tests on your DNA find?

A: First, they tried to take my fingerprints. But, everyone knows that cats don't have fingers. Silly scientists! So then, they took some of my DNA and found I was composed mostly of XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO. (That's hugs and kisses for those of you who don't speak the lanugage of love).


Q: How do you feel about beging called a Chimera?

A: It's appaling, but hey I didn't invent the English language. I mean, the term is taken from the mythical monster with the heads of a goat, lion and snake. I say anyone who calls me a Chimera is a Chimera!


Q: What kind of kitty treat would you like?

A: I thought you'd never ask!


Venus Tweets 

Drop off donations at our Shelter Thu - Sun 12-4

Florida Humane Society 

3870 N. Powerline Road

Pompano Beach, FL 33073


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